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How to Check Whether Your Water Conditioning System Is Working

Water softeners and other conditioning systems are important to many modern households. Hard water, the most commonly available water in the US, brings with it a number of disadvantages including:

However, you should always check to ensure your conditioning system is working as required. Conditioning systems that use salt, for example, may run out of salt. How can you tell that your conditioning system is no longer working as required?

Look Out for Hard Water Spots

Hard water leaves stains on a lot of things. Whether it's a layer of scum in your white porcelain bathtub or spots on your shower door, you should be able to see some evidence that the water isn't soft after a relatively short period of time. If you notice this tell-tale staining, you should know that your conditioning system isn't working as expected.

Pay Attention to the Texture of the Water

If you've been using soft water for a while, the difference in the texture is hard to miss, especially just after the water stops running. Hard water can leave you feeling a bit dry after taking a shower. This is due to the minerals in it.

For people with very sensitive skin, there might be a little bit of itchiness. If you drink the same water, the change in texture may be more obvious. If you notice this change, check on your water conditioning system.

Are You Using More Soap Than Usual?

Although there are soaps and detergents that are relatively effective even with hard water, if you're keen, you may realize that you're using more soap than usual. You may also notice some stains are left behind after cleaning even on clothes. Take this as a sign to check on your conditioning system.

What to Do if the Conditioning System Isn't Working

If you realize that your conditioning system isn't working as expected, the first thing you'll want to do is check if the system has run out of salt. Most conditioning systems use salt, and without it, they can't perform their job. Ensure you use good quality salt that doesn't leave behind other mineral by-products.

In case your system still has plenty of salt or if you're using a salt-free conditioner, you should call a water system repair professional to do a thorough inspection. The filters in the system may become clogged, especially if you're using rock salt.