Learning To Sell Things

4 Things You Need To Know About Using A Reusable Face Protection Shield

If you are around other people frequently due to your job or other situations in your life, you will want to make sure you effectively protect yourself from exposure to COVID-19, and you protect others from spreading the virus yourself.

#1: Use with a Face Mask 

With a face shield, you will be protected from large airborne particles, given the nature of a face shield and how it is designed to cover your face, from your forehead to below your chin. It is specifically designed to block larger airborne particles.

What it cannot do, though, is block smaller airborne particles that will have no problem making their way around your mask. That is why you should always wear a face mask when you are wearing a face shield. You get more effective protection when you wear both a face mask and a face shield at the same time.

#2: Skip the Eye Protection

The droplets that spread COVID-19 can get into your eyes, which is why some medical professionals recommend you wear eye protection when you are out and about.

With a face shield, you don't have to wear additional eye protection. You will have adequate eye protection with your face shield. It will keep airborne particles from getting into your eyes.

#3: Look for a Good Fit

Third, you are going to want to look for a good fit. The top of the face shield usually has foam that goes around the top of your heat.

It should fit securely around the top of your head, without any space or movement. Next, you are going to want to make sure that the face mask is large enough. It is going to need to cover your mouth and chin completely to be effective. 

#4: Be Careful Putting It On

Fourth, you need to careful with how you put on your face shield. You should wash your hands before you grab the shield.

When you grab it, you should hold it by the band, and place the band over your head and secure it. Avoid touching the covering on the face shield to prevent the spread of germs. When removing the shield, grab the band and remove it with clean hands.

When it comes to using a reusable face shield mask, you don't need to wear protective eye gear, but you should still wear a face mask with your shield. Make sure it fits securely, and wash your hands before taking it on and off. For more information about reusable face protection shields, contact a local supplier.